"The 工业 Property Team from NAI Ohio Equities were great advisors throughout the entire sale/leaseback process. This transaction was unique in that it was a multi-market assignment and closed in the midst of a global pandemic. 尽管面临这些挑战,该团队还是能够帮助完成这笔交易."
"The 工业 Property Team from NAI Ohio Equities was instrumental in helping us analyze the potential of a sale/leaseback. 从我们第一次试探性会议开始, 通过财务分析, 营销和销售谈判, 他们一直在我身边. 很高兴知道这笔交易是由这样真正的专业人士处理的."
“马特和团队竭尽全力让每个人都同意搬家的决定. They made us all feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire process and were patient and helpful during this lengthy journey."
“和乔和马克一起工作很愉快. 他们不仅以高价出售了我们的大楼, but they were also able to find us the new space we needed with the expertise to get the deals done in our timeframe."
"I was extremely impressed with the 办公室 经纪团队 at NAI Ohio Equities and engagement lead Matt Gregory at every turn. 该团队的热情、战略专长和对客户服务的承诺是一流的. Whether it was anticipating questions before we asked and offering continuums of solutions along with their recommendations based on their vast 经验, or performing financial and risk analyses that supported our decision making or something as simple as making document gathering for marketing purposes painless, 这个团队超出了我们的预期, There is also something refreshing to be said about 24-7 availability and the immediacy of response the team provides through a single point of contact that leverages the expertise of the rest of the team. Matt took what can be a complicated and convoluted process and communicated each milestone of the journey in a digestible way for our team and our board. 我将 highly recommend Sandy Simpson and Matt Gregory to anyone without reservation as they are committed to relationship building with integrity for the long-term and not just completing a transaction."
“约翰·马利帮我们找到了一个完美的商业场所, 考虑到我们所有的需求,并坚持不懈. 他说到做到,是我合作过的最体贴、最忠诚的房地产经纪人."
"John Mally took the time to listen to our needs and understand our growth strategy and plans moving forward and acted swiftly and accordingly. 他行动迅速,使我们能够以“合适”的价格找到一个大空间,我对他的努力表示赞赏."
"We will use the services of NAI Ohio Equities in the future because we are very satisfied with the services we had this time and would like to continue this relationship and also will recommend your services to others. 非常感谢!"
“我们是一家小型家族企业,在很短的时间内搬迁了我们在哥伦布的工厂. 当时的入住率相当高,所以搜索从一开始就受到限制. NAI Ohio Equities的乔·门宁格(Joe Menninger)问了很多关于我们业务的问题,以了解我们的需求, 无论是现在还是将来, 因此,我们能够在短时间内看到几个符合我们标准的房产. 当我们把搜索范围从租赁扩展到可能的购买时, 乔的经验真的很有价值, 因为我们以前从未走过这条路. 他总是可以通过电话或电子邮件回答问题并指导我们完成整个过程, and he provided great referrals for both the financing and our plumbing upgrades once the purchase was complete.
我们新房子的面积比我们需要的还要大, 所以我们也能把一部分租出去. 乔也在这个过程中提供了帮助, 随着我们在这栋大楼里的成长,他将继续成为一个很好的参谋. If & 当你要找新房子的时候, 我会毫不犹豫地再次联系乔,利用他的知识, 经验, 和职业精神."
“Ryan McGreevy非常专业地处理了这处房产的销售,我对他的工作非常满意. 我期待着我们将来的合作."
“每一笔潜在的交易都是以专业和令人信服的方式处理的. 此外, the attention to detail and analysis provided with each RFP has greatly helped the partners in their decision making."
“NAI俄亥俄股票工业团队为我们做了出色的工作. 收购东南工业园区后,我们的目标是单独出售这些建筑. 他们的团队已经向经纪社区和最终用户清楚地传达了我们的目标. 通过积极的营销努力,他们已经卖出了公园里18栋建筑中的13栋. 我们赞赏他们对业务的坚定和诚实态度."
"We have grown significantly in the past few years and had to lease space at three separate locations in order to accomodate the needs of the agency. I was delighted with the personal commitment made by both Peter and Matt to find us a property that met all of Alvis House's needs. 他们所付出的时间和精力是无价的."
“和乔·门宁格和菲利普·伯德一起工作很愉快. 他们完全理解我们的条件和出售房地产的必要性, 同时在出售期间和之后继续维持我们在该空间的运营."
“与马特·格雷戈里和安迪·达彻合作非常棒. 他们都精力充沛,知识渊博, 快速响应我们的各种需求和问题. 两人都很有风度,理解我们的需求,支持我们创办社会企业. 我强烈推荐他们两个."
"Maryhaven had been searching for appropriate office space in crawford County for well over a year when John Mally contacted us. We have found this to be a very difficult market in terms of finding space that was suitable for our need to provide behavioral healthcare to assist men and women in restoring their lives when those lives have been interrupted by addiction or mental illness.
就像我们州的其他人一样, Crawford County has a serious problem with the abuse of opiates; through John's good help, 我们将能够为这些想要改变自己生活的男女提供服务, 从而有助于改善该社区的健康和安全."
“580南方高中公司雇佣了安迪和马特来列出和推广我们的60,大约18个月前,在哥伦布中央商务区的一幢000平方英尺的办公楼. The building’s ownership believes that we have had the opportunity to see most every qualified prospect that has come through the market that matches our availability. 在雇佣安迪和马特之前,我们的大楼很少有租赁活动. 凭借他们的专业知识, 我们重新设计了该物业的品牌, 新的营销材料和吸引优质经纪人代表良好信用租户的能力. 因为他们和我们合作了, 我们已经签订了一些新的租约,还有一些潜在客户在排队出租我们剩余的空置房屋.
我强烈推荐安迪和马特给任何想在市场上重新定位他们的建筑的房东, 创造租赁势头并签约新租户."
"Throughout my extensive search for suitable warehouse/office space for our Canadian based company to have a centrally located Columbus office, 约翰不顾一切地想要提供帮助,而且态度非常积极.
Our requirements as a small company with multiple requirements made it challenging to find the right space for the right price and John spent the time to find the perfect building with an available 13,600sf, 七个码头, 还有协商好的费率. He asked all the right questions to ensure our space is future-proof and scale-able for our rapidly expanding US business.
He has also been very supportive in establishing points of contact with local resources that touch multiple facets of our business - both with the US/Canada Business Association and Columbus 2020. 事实证明,这两个组织都是我不断增长的人际网络中的宝贵资产. 这些联系帮助我们在美国建立了基础,促进了我们在美国业务的发展."
“在2016年初, 我们的律师事务所开始自己参观哥伦布/沃辛顿办公室市场. 我们认识安迪的时候他是诺斯伍德二号的租赁代理, 尽管当时我们从这栋楼的其他租户那里听到了一些负面的评论, Andy made us feel comfortable and confident a deal could be made given the lease up plan that was in place from Wells Fargo. 不幸的是, 富国银行决定拍卖这处房产, 我们不得不寻找其他的机会. 在这一点上, 我们和安迪讨论了几次, and our firm retained Andy as our tenant representative because he was honest with us throughout the entire Northwoods II process and he proved to be an expert in understanding the Columbus office market and what it takes for a tenant to make an informed decision. 最终, Andy helped us successfully negotiate a long term renewal at our current office building that will serve our needs for the next decade. 我们公司会向任何房客或房东强烈推荐他的服务."
“我们给了马特·格雷戈里最不合理的要求——我称它为独角兽, 因为我知道,为了尽快开业,我们必须牺牲我们的必需品之一. 马特真的做到了,我们需要的一切都在他找到的地方,在许多地方! 我无法想象还有谁能让我们的过程更轻松,他很有幽默感 & 指导我们完成整个过程,同时不破坏我们已经在做的业务, 这很神奇. 我们会向任何需要寻找梦想商业空间的人推荐Matt. 我不知道怎么感谢他,也不知道怎么赞美他!"
这个人说:“我们公司需要有人帮我们寻找不仅能满足我们需要的办公空间, 但为未来的增长提供了机会. 我们雇佣Andy来帮助我们寻找满足我们所有需求的空间. 他反应迅速,在我们规定的短时间内找到了自己的空间. 我将, 并有, 向别人推荐安迪, 将来会毫不犹豫地使用他的服务."
“为我们公司的诞生和发展寻找一个商业空间似乎是一项艰巨的任务. 过去,作为一家预算有限的小型初创公司,人们不敢帮助我们. 帕特里克·拉里默是个例外. 他认出了 & 尊重我们的小企业需要一个多flex单位在一个合理的价格. 一旦我们决定了满足我们业务需求的房产, Patrick made the process seamless and handled all necessary paperwork to expedite Urbn Timber settling into the new space. We would highly recommend Patrick for your Commercial Real Estate needs and will be using him in the future as our business expands."
“安东尼和我很荣幸能与这些了不起的人一起工作, 我们感谢所有帮助完成这项工作的人. 我们期待着建立长期的合作关系,并推出Jump City托儿服务."